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cross licensing中文

用"cross licensing"造句"cross licensing" in a sentence"cross licensing"怎麼讀


  • 交換使用專利權
  • 交換許可證


  • Cross licensing agreement
  • Putian maode highly respects the accumulation and protection of intelligence property right . the company enthusiastically establishes the cross license and royalty authorization to enlarge the ipr library . the company seriously proclaims that it is prohibited to infringe any legal rights of the competitors and partners in the industry
    普天茂德極其重視自主知識產權的積累和保護,積極推動合作伙伴間通過交叉授權或有償利用共享ipr ,充分尊重并莊嚴宣告無意侵犯同業競爭者的合法權益。
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